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SUESD Student Services

SUESD Interdistrict Transfer Requests 
The SUESD Governing Board recognizes that parents/guardians of students who reside within the geographic boundaries of the SUESD School District may, for a variety of reasons, desire to enroll their student(s) in a school within another district. (Education Code 4660 / BP 5117: Interdistrict Attendance / AR 5117 Interdistrict Attendance)
Interdistrict Attendance Agreements are formal agreements agreed upon by two districts, which are required to be annually renewed for review and continuation of the agreement. For any questions regarding the current status of your student(s) interdistrict request, please reach out at 559-568-1283 or by emailing [email protected]
Current Interdistrict Request Year: 2024-2025
When can I submit a request for the 2025-2026 School Year? 
  • Parents/Guardians may begin submitting interdistrict requests for the 2025-2026 school year starting Monday, January 6, 2025. 
SUESD Incoming Interdistrict Requests from Other Districts
(Live in the boundaries of another district and want to attend a school within SUESD)
When a parent/guardian would like to enroll their student(s) at a school within the SUESD district, they are to submit an "Interdistrict Request form" with your designated district of residence for consideration (i.e., Porterville Unified, Sunnyside, Rockford, Lindsay, Springville, Sundale, Alta-Vista, etc.). Please contact your district of residence for more information on their district's policies and interdistrict procedures. 
These type of interdistrict requests may be submitted year-round with your district of residence. Applicants must contact their district of residence to obtain the form, which must then be sent to SUESD for review. Both districts must approve prior to the agreement being valid. SUESD will notify you directly once an interdistrict for incoming students has been approved. Approved interdistrict agreements are valid for one school year and must be renewed anuually for continued enrollment. 
SUESD Outgoing Interdistrict Requests to Other District
(Live within SUESD and want to attend a school in another district)
When a parent/guardian would like to enroll their student(s) at a school district outside of the SUESD district boundary, they are to request an "Interdistrict Attendance Permit" for consideration. The Interdistrict Attendance Permit Form is available at the SUESD DIstrict Office (located at 19811 Orange Belt Drive, Strathmore, CA 93267), or online at under the Student Services Department. The form must be fully completed, signed, and dated for full consideration. Completed forms may be submitted to the District Office in-person or via email to Mario Torres, Administrative Assistant: [email protected]
New Interdistrict Requests received will first be contacted via phone by a designated SUESD Site Principal dependent on the student's grade level to review their request. The request will then be reviewed and a formal descision will be made by the SUESD Superintendent. Please note that a formal interdistrict agreement must be agreed upon by both districts before the student is enrolled at the outgoing district. Ongoing/Continuing requests are reviewed by the SUESD Superintendent. 
Review Process: (AR 5117: Interdistrict Attendance)
  • For an interdistrict request received by the district 15 or fewer calendar days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received. The District will ensure its part in processing requests as soon as possible.

  • For an interdistrict request received by the district more than 15 days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the interdistrict request is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year. The District will ensure its part in processing requests as soon as possible.
Terms and Conditions: 
  • If SUESD has approved your Interdistrict Attendance Permit, SUESD will provide the agreement to the designated outgoing district. The outgoing district will review the agreement and will provide their own decision on the request. The outgoing district will directly notify parents of their formal decision. Approved interdistrict agreements are valid for one school year and must be renewed anuually for continued enrollment. 

  • An Interdistrict Attendance Agreement may be revoked and the student returned to their home district for any of the following reasons: 
    • When the reason given to obtain the interdistrict agreement ceases to be valid. 
    • If the district has to file with the School Attendance Review Board because of truancy (excessive absences or tardiness). 
    • If the student exhibits poor citizenship and/or continuous behavior problems.
For any questions, please call the SUESD District Office at 559-568-1283. Thank you!
Not sure if you live within the SUESD DIstrict Boundary? Use the District Boundary Map Explorer below: